
Sunday, July 29, 2012

Whole30 Recap

Deets on what exactly the Whole30 is here.

So...I actually did a Whole28, which is lame. And I didn't finish well because I ate several of the problematic food groups at once when I came off of my 28, which doesn't help me narrow down which foods are causing which problems. Still, I learned a few things:

  • I felt like I had more energy and was less likely to experience my periodic bouts of being down in the dumps while on the Whole30, but I thought perhaps it was a sort of placebo effect. However, once I started eating wheat, dairy, etc. again, I realized that:
  1. I felt awful (I can't fully explain what feels bad; just an overall malaise and lethargy).
  2. But it was actually how I used to feel normally.
  3. I couldn't stop eating those things even though I made this connection.
  • Honestly, I was sort of hoping to be one of those people who experiences an extreme reaction to wheat (so that I could legitimately claim I couldn't eat it for health reasons--I know, I'm crazy). I encountered some loose flour while I was on the Whole30 and it made me feel really sneezy and reactive. But then I ate some wheat and didn't feel anything. Right away. I think probably my biggest issue with wheat is that eating it makes me want more. And more. And more even when I'm full. And more until five pounds in a week later I'm still thinking about what other wheat I might consume. I don't see everyone doing this, but I think my personal "allergic" reaction to wheat is addiction and excess weight.
  • My skin was a lot better on the Whole30. In my 20s I had pretty bad adult acne (after having very little in high school). It's been better in recent years, but I'm always kind of "clogged" around the mouth area, which from my reading indicates hormonal imbalances. I'm guessing it's dairy that's causing the problem. Booooo! I used to say that if Jesus personally came down and asked me to give up cheese, I totally would. But not for anything short of that. This experiment makes me realize though that statements like that reveal that I probably should give something like that up--I don't want to be dependent on a nonessential food for happiness!
  • I lost 7lbs, which frankly was disappointing to me. BUT that's better than 7lbs not lost, and I felt like my body was already starting to "shape" better, as if my fat distribution was changing. My clothes are definitely looser, and a couple people noticed that I'd lost weight.
  • A major bummer for me was that on the Whole30, I started to notice additional sensitivities even to foods that were "allowed." It was like suddenly I had a clearer perspective on how things affected me, and (boooo again!) coffee seems to be an issue. Even drinking it black with a healthy breakfast apparently gives me heartburn and makes me feel jittery. The more grains and other reactive things I eat, the worse I sleep and the more I feel a need for coffee. But with the extra energy I had and the fewer issues my body was dealing with, the more noticeable the effects of the coffee were.
I've been really off the rails for the last week, and I feel so awful that I can't wait to get back on the Whole30 for August. I think I'm going to need to eat Whole30 most of the time with my (few) exception days only including the pleasure foods listed on the Perfect Health Diet (small amounts of dairy, quality dark chocolate).

A couple people have asked me if I'm not doing the PHD anymore. The Whole30 is basically the strictest version of the PHD. I really believe that there are moderators and abstainers. Some people need to know that they can have a little bit of something now and then. They are the ones that tell you that you'll binge if you don't treat yourself now and then. Unfortunately I'm absolutely an abstainer. When I "treat" myself, I do it again very soon. And the next thing you know, I'm treating myself a few times a day. It's much easier for me to just avoid my trigger foods all together. So I was doing pretty well on the PHD except that I would get some dark chocolate for the weekend. And then on Monday I'd get some more because, geesh, it's Monday! Tuesday morning I'd see the bar in the cabinet and have a square. Etc., etc.

I'm actually going to start now with the Whole30 because feeling this way is not worth it.

Thursday, June 21, 2012

Fried Eggs and Cabbage

With salt and a splash of lemon juice. Actually kind of delicious.

Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Too Hot to Cook

Here we have hardboiled egg, salmon (canned), avocado, and some olives over salad. Topped with the mustard dressing.
If my kids would ever sleep simultaneously, I'd blog about my new way of eating and how I'm feeling great. Alas.

Saturday, June 16, 2012

Smoothie for Dinner

Because it is HOT. Blargh.

Frozen spinach, banana, and coconut milk. Not bad

Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Kale Chips

Because everybody else is doing it.

I stuck these in the oven as it was preheating for tonight's chicken. Inhaled about half of them (you see the remaining) as son as they came out of the oven.

Monday, June 11, 2012

My Half-Eaten Lunch

Avocado, kale fried in coconut oil, hardboiled egg, and half of a sausage.

And you're welcome.

Sunday, May 27, 2012

Helping Daddy

Suit up.

Desperate Times

Hanging out in the parking lot of Southern Lumber. Hopefully at the end of this wekend we end up with a beautiful built-in to compensate for the angst,  needling bribery, and strain on our marriage...

Thursday, May 24, 2012

Week One

I'm down two pounds since last Tuesday, which isn't AHmazing, but I'll take it.

Doing that ketogenic fast last Tuesday gave me a headache, so I didn't try it again until this Tuesday. I felt hungry and not great, so this morning I went ahead and had breakfast. Maybe it's because I'm still breastfeeding, or I'm just not nourished enough yet.

I think maybe I'm feeling happier lately, but I'm still getting super frustrated with the kids. Granted that may have more to do with the fact that they're nearly 3 and nearly 1, and they are amazingly talented at messing up anything I have just cleaned or losing their $#*! when I thought I finally had everything under control...

Sunday, May 20, 2012

Al Fresco

Leftover lamb from last night's dinner sauteed with broccoli and kale in a combo of coconut oil and butter. Andsome raspberries--most of which Lu is eating.

Thursday, May 17, 2012

Something's Fishy About This Curry

Oh yes I did sneak sardines into our beef curry. I think it's better for them.

Wednesday, May 16, 2012

No Fast This Morning...

Two eggs with salsa and cheese (fried in coconut oil--the non-coconutty kind)

Tuesday, May 15, 2012


Salmon wth olive oil and sea salt, broccoli with pastured butter, and plantains fried in coconut oil. Managed to hit three out of four fats...


Vegetable soup (chicken stock and cooked veggies pureed) mixed with feta and topped with two fried eggs.

Kid Breakfast

I didn't make my kids fast...they had what we call "sweet eggs." Basically french toast without bread. I fried some banana slices in coconut oil with cinnamon and vanilla and then scrambled some egg yolks in. Gus had a few drops of maple syrup on his.


Decided to try intermittent fasting (which is recommended in PHD for its various health benefits), so "breakfast" was coffee with heavy cream, and I slipped in a bit of coconut oil. I think next time I'll just take the CO straight... We throw in cinnamon with our coffee grounds, which gives it a nice sweetish flavor and helps me miss sugar less.

Don't laugh at my cup.

The PHD: An Experiment

I've decided to try out the Perfect Health Diet and see what happens. I pinned the cover of this book a while ago when Jennifer Fulwiler mentioned it the first time (see number 6).

She mentioned it again in the context of clothes that were falling off of her and loads more energy (numbers 4 and 5)--and those are issues that I'd like to have. And recently she posted about it again, and I have a lot of respect for her and identify with pretty much everything she says about the eating issues she has. So I bought the book on Kindle and devoured it.

I'm not going to pretend like I understand the whole thing. A friend recently questioned me more closely on the science, and I was like look, I have about half a brain to devote to anything at this point in my life. And it wasn't the world's sharpest brain to begin with. But the information and sources are all there. The authors are extremely intelligent, and the book was not written to be a weight loss book. It's simply the research they did to try to improve their own health and what they concluded based on their studies.

So I'm going to start posting what I'm eating (and sometimes what the kids are eating), and I'll include my results if/when there are any.

This is their "food pyramid"...that is not a pyramid. Obvs.

Saturday, May 12, 2012