

If there is one way my life has significantly changed since I became a SAHM, it’s that I cook all the blessed time. I’ve never been “into” cooking, but I do it for our health. Lately I’ve been thinking that my life would be so stinkin’ fantastic if I were passionate about cooking. I’d LOVE life. Seriously. Three times most days. E.V.E.R.Y. D.A.Y.

So I got to thinking, how could I enjoy cooking more? And I said to myself, Self, you like creativity. And you like writing. Maybe if you thought of cooking as a creative enterprise and wrote about it, you’d enjoy it more.

Also, when I'm completely lacking motivation, I can come here and steal my old ideas.

I should also mention that I'm reluctantly crunchy.  I unfortunately heart processed foods, though they have never loved me back. But I value my family's health. So I do this for them. And the more I learn, the crunchier I get. Still, smug Facebook updates about how you made your own lacto-fermented vegetables annoy me.

We try to keep things gluten-free, refined-sugar-free, seasonal, and local-ish around these parts. I also like to throw grain-free or vegan dishes in the mix every now and then.

Currently I still hate cooking, and I'm not great at it. But it can only get better from here, right?