
Monday, November 1, 2010


Welcome to my new cooking blog.

Are you worried? You should be.

There will be no cooking today though because I’m reluctant.

Also, I must bore you with a big long prologue.

If there is one way my life has significantly changed since I became a SAHM, it’s that I cook all the blessed time. I’ve never been “into” cooking, but I do it for our health. Lately I’ve been thinking that my life would be so stinkin’ fantastic if I were passionate about cooking. I’d LOVE life. Seriously. Three times most days. E.V.E.R.Y. D.A.Y.

So I got to thinking, how could I enjoy cooking more? And I said to myself, Self, you like creativity. And you like writing. Maybe if you thought of cooking as a creative enterprise and wrote about it, you’d enjoy it more.

It’ll probably suck, but I thought I’d give it a shot.

Anyway, I went sugar and gluten free in December of last year and maintained that until almost May. I have no idea how much weight I lost because we didn’t have a scale in Australia, but I was feeling decent and when we arrived home I discovered that I was “Meeting Adam” weight. (Wedding Weight was Meeting Adam – 10; then I started adding 10 pounds for each year of marriage. Seriously, yo.)

I have this old, cobwebby post written about the perils of sugar with a promise to come back and start slandering grains. I wrote it almost a year ago. I can’t remember why I didn’t publish it right away. I think I was starting to research grains and then life and information overload and then we moved and then I stopped being a poster child for healthy eating and BAM. Here we are.

Where we are is that I’ve gained 10 pounds since being back in the US, so something’s got to give beside my pants– I’m not working anymore and I don’t have the budget for a new wardrobe. I blame the stress of the job search and the temptations of my parents’ house for helping me go astray.

But now we’re back in our own place and I’m back on the wagon. Thus, the stuff I make is going to be gluten and sugar free. For the first two weeks of November I’m detoxing from all sugar and all grains again (you may want to cancel any appointments with me; I’m usually a real peach during these periods). After the first two weeks I may or may not add in some fruit-sweetened/honey/maple syrup recipes and I may or may not add in rice/oats/barley. I’ll discuss later.

I’ve read far too many ideas in the past year about what people should be eating and I’m now unable to shop in standard supermarkets (total PITA, by the way) so some ingredients may be slightly unorthodox (“hippy”). I’m also a lazy and unoriginal cook, so get excited.

Bon appétit or whatevs.

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I serve up plenty of fresh snark here to go around. If I don't like the tone of your comment I'll delete it. There's only one cook in this kitchen.